More About Me
When I’m not busy posting thoughts on faith, doubt, science, God, and how we try to make it all fit together, I masquerade as a web designer with Watershed9, a friendly little web design agency based in Vancouver, Canada.
In my former life as an aspiring rock star (weren’t we all) I was passionate about writing songs that would change the world. When the music died a slow indie band death, that passion remained so I decided to keep writing. My first book “Letters From the Slippery Slope” is NOT simply a collection of blog posts, but the prequel to the online saga, a record of my reckless five year journey into the evolution/creation controversy.
I Am Not a Science Geek…
or a paleobiologist (I only play one on TV). My lifelong fascination with Genesis and the ongoing debate about how we humans made it to this point in the universe is just that – a fascination. Some guys collect riding mowers or rental property in Phoenix. I ponder the potential of pond scum. I have sat on the back porch deep into the night wondering if Cains’ wife was really just the girl next door with a knack for making great falafels.
Courage is Contagious…
I hope that my wrestling with the messy questions of faith, theology, and Bible stuff will encourage you to get off the couch and into this game. Being a Jesus follower isn’t always tidy. There are things to be ironed out, and things to be wrinkled up and looked at from a different angle. And the more we do it, the more we are aware that God with us – He’s all in on this crazy journey.
This is my personal Blog. These are only opinions and the information I provide may change as new evidence surfaces, theories are proposed and expert witnesses are called to make their case. I cannot be held liable for any unsafe acts resulting from these online conversations including (but not limited to): book burnings, church parking lot kerfuffles, denominational splinters, and personal injury resulting from engagement in unmonitored prayer circles.